Areeba Hussain

Areeba is working as a medical and healthcare writer for the last five years. She graduated in Medical Microbiology and Immunology and worked as a junior scientist in Cancer Metabolism Labs. She regularly posts content related to medicine, disease management, therapeutic technology, awareness, alternative healing, and reviews.

organic tampons

The Ugly Truth About Organic Tampons

How often do you check the labels for ‘organic’ while grocery shopping? Most superstores have set huge spaces for organic everything and even some organic stores have also been opened to satisfy the demands of customers. But was this organic trend always this catchy and in-demand? Probably not. The demand for everything organic has been…

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period flu

Period Flu is a Real Thing- Health Experts Agree

While most people already know about premenstrual syndrome or commonly called PMS, more than 90% of women share more symptoms that start to appear right before their period. These symptoms are stomachache, bloating, headache, stress, fatigue, and cramping. But there are some women who experience having a flu-like symptom called ‘period flu’. After long being…

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