Kegel exercises for women

Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Women

Kegel exercises are those simple ‘clench and release’ type movements by the pelvic muscles that many people have seen on exercise guides. It strengthens the pelvic floor which is the part of the body around the genitals. Although the internet offers unbelievable benefits of these exercises such as vaginal tightening, it is necessary to know…

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Banaba leaves diabetes

Banaba Leaves can Save a Person from Diabetes

Banaba leaves are sometimes confused with banana leaves but these are two different plants. The role of banaba in traditional medicine makes it one of the top choices in alternative medicine for reducing the risk of imbalanced blood sugar and save from diabetes. The scientific name of Banaba is Lagerstroemia speciosa and it naturally grows…

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Colorectal Cancer Development

Black Tea and Hot Chocolates and Berries Linked with Colorectal Cancer Development in Adults

Doctors are mystified with the fact that small intestine cancer is highly unlikely but colorectal cancer which affects only a small organ actually accounts for the highest cancer-related deaths in the world. Is there something that researchers are missing while studying colorectal cancer development? Yinon Ben-Neriah and Dr. Eliran Kadosh, from the Lautenberg Center for…

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