What Do American Women Have to Say About Abortion?

The new study by UC San Francisco study finds that within five years after an abortion, 95% of the women considered it as a right decision by them. This research study was published in Social Science & Medicine.

It is astonishing to see the changing state laws on abortion right for US women. Only a few of these states actually offer proper counseling for women who want an abortion. The waiting period given for performing the abortion is actually helpful for the women to educate themselves on the after-effects of abortion.

The researchers at Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) didn’t find any evidence on women mourning their abortion decisions after a few years are. Notwithstanding the contrary belief that women declared mixed emotions on abortion. In five years, nearly 84% of the women felt positive or nothing at all on their decision.

Even these women encountered issues while deciding about abortion, or if they felt that their community doesn’t approve of such things shows that a huge number of women going through abortions believe that they decided right. This uncovered the controversial idea that most women feel negative and suffer while deciding an abortion.

The research team checked records from the Turnaway Study which was a five-year-long study on wellbeing and financial consequences of approximately 1,000 women. These women went through abortions in 21 US states. The examination included 667 individuals who had untimely births close to the beginning of the investigation. These participant women were questioned seven days after they searched for medical care.

While women didn’t report disapproving or disliking their abortion decision, some of them battled internally to plan it. More than half of the women said that this decision on their pregnancy termination was astoundingly problematic for them (27%). On the other side, 46% of the women said it was easy and absolutely not inconvenient.

Around 70 percent of women shared a feeling they might be ridiculed or disgraced by their community if people know about it. Among these participants, 29% reported a low level and 31% shared a high-level social stigma.

Women who were stigmatized for their decisions were more likely to feel emotional wretchedness, fault, and gilt shortly after going through an abortion.

After some time, for many of them, reporting such negative feelings declined, particularly within one year after the abortion. Those women who were not sure about their decision experienced the same. However, all of them reported a feeling of “relief” and “satisfaction” over their decision at the end.

This report goes more far off than past investigations, here it studies women for a long time, and the study was designed on a bigger level model from a wide scope of clinics all across the U.S. These results shows that most of US women are certain during their decision-making period about abortion and afterward. This is opposite to the popular claims which blame women to regret their abortion decision.

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