UK Reports a High Covid-19 Death Rate Despite Strict Lockdown

Covid-19 death rate UK

A research team from Oxford University has overlooked the spread of Covid-19 in more than 180 countries, hoping to find out why the virus has caused so many deaths in the UK, despite imposing lockdowns. This study analyzed the effects of a pandemic on routine life, especially closing of schools, workplaces, travel restrictions, and a ban on social events.

Although the UK has imposed a strict lockdown which is categorized as the sixth most tough lockdown in the entire world still the country is reporting new deaths every day. The only European country which has imposed even more tough restrictions and lockdown than the UK was the republic of Ireland.

Comparing these restrictions with other major countries like Germany, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Belgium, and France, the Covid-19 restrictions in the UK are harsher, still, the country is at number four among the list of highest death rates countries.

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The UK is also the number one country with the highest deaths by the pandemic among the top ten countries with the most strict restrictions worldwide. Many health experts that the reason behind these ineffective restrictions is probably the introduction of lockdown and restrictions after the virus was spread and the number of deaths was increasing already.

Cuba is the only country, identified by this new study where the death rate was minimum. According to the data analysis, the Covid-19 deaths in Cuba were only 2.4 deaths as per 100,000 cases whereas this death rate in the UK was 178 deaths as per 100,000 cases.

This report is released after the country has confirmed 548 new deaths in the last 24 hours, along with 8.489 new cases of Covid-19 in the UK. Adding these latest figures, the total cases of Covid-19 deaths in the UK within the last 28 days has reached 121,305.

Still, these cases are much lower than the cases reported last month after the coronavirus vaccination program started. Last week the UK confirmed 799 deaths and a couple of nights ago this figure was nearly 1,052. One month ago, on January 23rd, 2021, the health department reported 1,348 Covid-19 related deaths. According to the latest reports, the total number of Covid-19 patients in hospitals is around 16,797.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a new roadmap to free the country from lockdowns and restrictions but it would require bringing down the deaths to a minimum level. He has announced to ease the lockdown from March 8th but the restrictions would still hold till June, after which, he assumes that the country would go back to a normal life.

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But he also said that all governmental decisions are based on data and never on the dates, implying that this timeline is only provisional and there might be changes as per new cases or deaths reported.

Opening up public places may increase the chance of resurging in Covid-19 cases, hence following a slow and steady approach is better. The country is confident regarding the effects of its vaccine but vaccinating the entire population is a long process and it will take a few months. Until then follow the rules and regulations is necessary to ensure the safety of the public.


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