Taller People Maybe At a Higher Risk of Getting Coronavirus

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the medical community is looking out for factors that may contribute to the chances of contracting the infection. Now, a new survey has identified an association between taller heights and the risk of coronavirus.

According to the findings of a new survey, people over the height of 1.83 meters or six feet are at two times higher risk of having the coronavirus infection in comparison with those who are shorter.

The study is important for investigating further on the issue of airborne transmission of coronavirus. Though the findings still need to be peer-reviewed, the authors of the new paper have given a separate statement on the significance of air purification based on the research.

The authors essentially argue that taller people are more likely to contract the infection primarily because of airborne transmission.

If the spread of the virus was possible only through droplets released via coughing, sneezing, and talking, the taller height of the person would not have made a big difference or increase the risk of the virus.

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In the past few months, there have been several debates on the airborne and aerosol transmission of the coronavirus.

During the early days of the pandemic, while a part of the medical community supported the theory on the airborne spread, the other half stated that there was not enough evidence to show the virus can transmit that way.

However, a group of over thirty scientists around the world then conducted a review and research on the various evidence for airborne transmission and urged the health agencies worldwide to consider this possible mode of spread of the virus after the lockdown was lifted in the month of July.

After the medical commentary was published, health agencies including the World Health Organization officially announced that spread of coronavirus via aerosol particles was indeed possible.

In addition, the risk of airborne transmission was specifically high in indoor spaces with a lot of people. Bigger outdoor spaces can reduce the chances of transmission by social distancing and masks but it is difficult to do so in jam-packed public indoor places.

The main goal of the new research was not to examine the aerosol transmission of the coronavirus but to focus on how specific attributes and different lifestyles can impact the risk of the virus.

However, the researchers state that the findings can also corroborate previous arguments and studies on the airborne transmission of the virus.

Along with finding the link between taller heights and the risk of coronavirus, it was also discovered that people living in shared communal homes have more chances of having the infection.

More specifically, people living in sharing homes or sharing particular spaces such as a kitchen, which is more common in those from lower socio-economic classes, are more likely to have coronavirus infection.

Therefore, the study not only shows a new risk factor for coronavirus infection but also corroborates previous studies that focus on the association of increased likelihood of coronavirus infection and socioeconomic status.


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