Areeba Hussain

Areeba is working as a medical and healthcare writer for the last five years. She graduated in Medical Microbiology and Immunology and worked as a junior scientist in Cancer Metabolism Labs. She regularly posts content related to medicine, disease management, therapeutic technology, awareness, alternative healing, and reviews.

Colorectal Cancer Development

Black Tea and Hot Chocolates and Berries Linked with Colorectal Cancer Development in Adults

Doctors are mystified with the fact that small intestine cancer is highly unlikely but colorectal cancer which affects only a small organ actually accounts for the highest cancer-related deaths in the world. Is there something that researchers are missing while studying colorectal cancer development? Yinon Ben-Neriah and Dr. Eliran Kadosh, from the Lautenberg Center for…

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organic food

Is Organic Food Actually Worth the Hype?

Currently, there is much hype around naturally sourced and organic food. People are more inclined towards living a healthier life due to the ongoing pandemic. This pandemic also gave people ample time to cook by themselves at home. Hence, there is a rise in people using a healthy alternative to regular store-bought meals. Research shows…

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