Khadija Malik

Khadija is a Biosciences graduate and working in healthcare journalism for last three years. She writes about the latest research, tools, survey reports and everything that involves human health.

second lockdown for coronavirus

Will the US have a Second Lockdown for Coronavirus?

Currently, the United States is experiencing multiple new outbreaks of coronavirus due to the lack of policies and strategies to reduce transmission rates in the majority of its states. Due to the rising number of infections, infectious disease experts are now suggesting the country to implement a second lockdown for coronavirus. Even after setting record…

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virgin soil epidemics

What Were the ‘Virgin Soil Epidemics’?

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which began in February in China, has over thirty million confirmed cases around the globe with an increasing death toll. Even though the crisis is the longest so far in the past century, it is not the first one that has changed the world. Prior to the current pandemic, virgin soil…

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coronavirus in children

Coronavirus in Children Is Asymptomatic

Since the past few weeks, coronavirus in children has been a common topic of debate among the medical community, especially because the US and a number of other countries are planning to reopen all educational institutes including schools and resume in-person classes. According to present data and research on the severity of coronavirus symptoms in…

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