Not Getting Enough Sleep Can Cause Heart Disease

heart disease

Recently, a new study has shown that sleeping habits can have a big impact on the health of the heart. More specifically, adults who sleep for seven to eight hours per day have a forty-two percent lower risk of heart disease.

These findings, which appear in the American Heart Association (AHA) journal Circulation, are important especially today. For the past eight months, the majority of adults are no longer able to maintain sleep patterns.

According to health experts, there a number of factors that lead to poor sleeping habits at the moment. For instance, the change in the working style likely affects a person’s sleep schedules.

Most of the adults who are working from home are taking less breaks due to online work. Secondly, they are also working more on average and not getting enough time for themselves.

Online work blurs the line between the home and workplace. Therefore, the majority does not even know when to stop. As a result, they work more and take a break or sleep less often.

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In addition, another factor is the rise of sleep issues including sleep loss. The high-stress levels, financial insecurity, and lack of socialization all contribute to the inability to sleep.

Due to the uncertainty because of the pandemic, mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression are also common. So, the problem of going to bed on time and getting eight hours of sleep is more prevalent than ever before.

This is dangerous and causes long-term health effects, as said by health experts. The new study shows that sleeping more or less than the recommended amount are both harmful.

Moreover, other factors such as going to bed early or late and overall quality of sleep also matter.

Overall, the researchers found that people who get up early have an eight percent lower risk of heart disease. Those who had seven to eight hours of sleep daily also had a twelve percent reduction.

Additionally, people who did not have insomnia issues had a seventeen percent lower risk. The most interesting finding is that participants who did not sleep during the day had a thirty-four percent reduction.

Following all of the healthy habits lowers the risk of heart disease by forty-two percent together. These results show the importance of having good sleeping habits and patterns.

This is also why most people, specifically younger adults with jobs, need to fix their sleeping schedules.

In addition to this study, other research also shows how lack of sleep leads to multiple health conditions. For instance, poor sleeping habits can cause obesity, metabolic disorders, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.

All of these conditions are risk factors for heart disease and failure. To prevent these diseases, it is better to maintain a consistent sleeping pattern.

Set a time for waking up and going to bed. Also, plan other tasks of the day and work in accordance with the schedule. This will help in ending any work before the set bedtime

Avoid using the phone in bed and drop other habits that can hinder sleep. Consult a doctor if sleep loss is occurring persistently.

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