Can Medical Cannabis Alleviate All Types of Pain?

Credits: Harvard Health

A new study published in the International Journal of Drug Policy finds that the people who use cannabis three times each day have low levels of pain while high levels of pain are more likely in those who do not use cannabis on daily basis. But the health of daily users is also affected and becomes worse day by day.

The researchers tell that the outcomes don’t actually show that marijuana is not useful for all types of pain but it suggests more research is required to acknowledge marijuana as an effective source of treatment for severe pain.

Study the details here.

The professor of social work at Ohio State University and co-author of the study, Bridget Freisthler finds that it’s not clear whether marijuana use against severe pain is useful or not. The benefits aren’t as obvious as certain individuals accept.

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The postdoctoral scholar in psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco and the lead author of the study, Alexis Cooke consider the complex relationship between marijuana use, self-reported health, and pain a serious issue.

Cooke further tells that there are still a ton of inquiries to reply to. It might be possible the individuals who have started using marijuana now had worse health to start with.

In 2013, California permitted that marijuana can only use for medical purposes. The recent study involved a survey of more than two hundred medical marijuana dispensary patients in Los Angeles.

All members were asked how regularly marijuana is used by them. Their current health is contrasted with one year prior on a five-point scale from “much better” to “much more regrettable”. Researchers also asked two questions about their pain levels. In view of their answers, the analysts evaluated members’ pain as low, moderate or high.

Forty-five percent of them are daily marijuana users while forty-eight percent are those who use marijuana three times a day. More than thirty percent were reported with high pain, 24 % with moderate pain and more than forty percent with low pain.

The study’s results demonstrated no relationship between everyday marijuana use and change in health status among those with low levels of pain. However, the change in health condition was worse in those who used marijuana daily with high levels of pain.

Freisthler finds that, unusually, there was no relationship between how regularly members use marijuana every day and changes in wellbeing status. There’s no simple clarification for this. It shows how little researchers think about marijuana as a medication, how individuals are utilizing it, the dosages the individuals are accepting and its long haul impacts.

Individuals use cannabis for a wide range of sorts of pain, including malignancy, nerve pain, joint pain, and HIV. Specialists don’t have a clue whether marijuana has the same or different effects on different causes of pain.

Cooke tells that chronic pain is connected with anxiety and depression too. Cannabis may help with these issues for certain individuals, regardless of whether it doesn’t help with the pain.

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Furthermore, Marijuana use appears to help individuals who have lost their appetite because of nausea or pain brought about by malignant growth drugs. It is possible that it may not be the pain that patients are attempting to address. The outcomes do recommend researchers have to find out about the connection between pain relief and marijuana use.

The study concludes that the researchers are still uncertain about marijuana use to alleviate different types of pain. 



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