Artificial Breastmilk Firm Earns Funds from Business Tycoons

Artificial Breastmilk

BIOMILQ, an enterprise capable of producing artificial breastmilk, recently received $3.5M of funds from an investment contributed by billionaires Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg.

One of the greatest troubles the world is facing nowadays is global warming. It is a deteriorating natural ecosystem and affecting the ozone layer.

Greenhouse gases produced as a result of human effort are depleting the ozone layer. One of the biggest sources of these gases is the worldwide dairy business.

A revolutionary effort by a firm named BIOMILQ resulted in the production of milk by copying the infant formula that has low carbon composition as well as easy digestion. The firm managed to imitate the vital proteins in the breastmilk.

US firm BIOMILQ proved in the month of February that they are capable of producing lactose and casein. The firm uses carefully cultivated Human breast epithelial cells on a feasible bulk value.

Many firms claim that they have achieved the secret for producing breastmilk, although all of them uncovered. BIOMILQ claims the milestone by becoming the first firm ever to achieve this goal.

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The firm announced that its new formula makes it possible to produce full asterism of intricate constituents in the exact proportions.

The new human breastmilk is likely to be good for some children as well other than helping alleviate the carbon composition of the environment.

The typical formula that is essentially cow milk or soy can be hard to digest for some children. BIOMILQ’s alternative artificial breastmilk does not have this issue.

BIOMILQ repeats its fulfillment for corporate social responsibility by helping the newborn babies of the nations to be healthy so that they can contribute better to the futures of their nations.

Dr Strickland, the cofounder of the enterprise decided to work on alternate breastmilk after her own troubles. She said that ‘Exclusive breastfeeding is unrealistic for many and impossible for some.’

A study shows that more than 80 percent of mothers move towards artificial milk before the ending of the required six months period.

the so-called baby formula already in use is doing no good rather bad for the babies. It is difficult to digest and has many health consequences. It is evident from the Nestle baby formula scandal.

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The company was successful in making one-of-a-kind solutions for many problems around us and thankfully our rich community commended the efforts by donating a handsome amount to them.

It is not yet known when the formula will come to the market and spread. The company co-founder says it is rather dependent upon the country’s Food & Drug Association.

Artificial Breastmilk is not a dream any more thanks to the reasonable efforts of the whole enterprise and especially co-founders Michelle Egger and Leila Strickland.

As soon the US associations validate and approve the product for the market after reasonable production, we will be able to enjoy safe and healthy plus effective breastmilk without breastfeeding!


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