Are Americans Ready for Coronavirus Vaccine?

Coronavirus Vaccine

Companies and scientists from all parts of the world are trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine which is expected to be available soon. Some of the companies have started their human trials of this vaccine and if proven safe, the vaccine will be here shortly. But one important question regarding this vaccine is that; are Americans ready to get them injected with coronavirus vaccine?

Creating a solution to prevent coronavirus is simple; either there should be a medicine that can treat the infected people or there should be something which prevents the virus to multiply and invade the body i.e. vaccine. While drug development for coronavirus infection is also in its preliminary phases, the vaccine making process is much rapid and advanced. That’s why most scientists are hopeful that even if the virus doesn’t end on its own, the vaccine will be here shortly.

Also Read- Ethical Concerns should not be Ignored During COVID-19 Vaccine Human Trials

The new poll results in one conducted by the Yahoo News/YouGov and the other pill conducted by NBC News/Survey Monkey reveal surprising results. As to public opinion, less than half of Americans said that they are looking forward to get this vaccine, once it is available. While others were either unsure or didn’t make up their mind on it.

The pandemic management requires at least 60% to 70% American population to acquire immunity, which is only possible if these people are ready to get a vaccine. When more than half of the population has not decided about getting the vaccine, the whole idea of vaccine development would be not much effective as the pandemic management required. So it means, the risk of contracting coronavirus will still prevail even if there is a vaccine available. It is because not all people are ready to get it.

Advocating people to get this vaccine is the most important part coronavirus vaccination plan. Dr. Amesh Adalja, from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, says that the researchers don’t wish to create doubts in the minds of people regarding this vaccine safety. But getting this vaccine is the only way to control this pandemic for once and for good.

It looks like Americans may hesitate to get this vaccine at the start because they have concerns over its efficacy and safety. Considering this virus has never existed before and there is absolutely no medicine that helps the COVID-19 patients, the only way to save all these people is by getting them vaccinated.

Researchers are trying to clear the doubts regarding coronavirus vaccine safety urging people to go for it once it is available.

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On the question of safety, no other vaccine of any disease was never considered ‘safe’ when it was introduced for the first time. while human trials of this vaccine are still in process, it is too early to say if it is safe or not. But these trials would give a clearer picture regarding the risk involved with taking this vaccine.

If this risk is high, i.e. long term effects, death, organ failure, etc, the vaccine will not be introduced and it will be re-checked for improvements. But if the results came out normal and as per expectations, there is nothing that should concern its safety.

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